Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Of Celebration and Ageing

Last friday I had dinner with my ex-boss who was leaving her company. Finally after all these years she can now celebrate! Needless to say, the celebration came with a bottle of wine at La Bodega Pavillion.

After that I had teh tarik with another friend from 12 midnight till 3 a.m. The next morning? Woke up early with a flu... the whole weekend in fact was dedicated to recovering from the flu....

Itulah pasal, old people should not prasan that they can still party all night...


Rambler said...

Woman, u went to La Bodega without me? :). Yup I agree remember that night at Planet?? Definitely old dah ....

Fishing Goddess said...

Tu lah bah pasal... Planet that day was sooo not like us zaman dulu - dulu... bikin malu jugalah

Rambler said...

thank goodness it was dark.. and also thank goodness that lady who fell down the stairs wasn't one of us. :) Tu la tidak terer minum (that woman) mahu jugak tunjuk eksyen :)


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