Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Voting Day Part I

I always imagined for the past one month that on my 1st time voting day, I would wake up early and be at the polling station at 8 am to be done with voting before the queue starts and will be happily having breakfast of nasi lemak (there is one stall that operates opposite the school I am supposed to be voting at that I pass by every morning in the car but never got a chance to try).

In reality, I woke up groggy and disoriented because the night before I was at a bar opposite the KL Tower hosting a farewell dinner and drinks for a client after a long day of meeting and travelling between KL and Shah Alam. Got home at midnight with many glasses of beer in my stomach and God knows how many sticks of cigarettes as well....

I squinted at the alarm clock and noticed that it was already almost 10 am,... so much for my wake up early for the election thing. Then I had to announce very loudly that it is 10 am already before another voter snoozing away slowly got out of his dream state and got his eyes focused but still staring blankly at me....

Whilst Lo is in the shower, I ran straight to the internet and logged into a local newspaper and read up on the latest news... I was unfortunately, still undecided on who to vote for, of course my conversations with various taxi drivers in the city has convinced me that I should vote for a change, still I need to read the news to maintain an unbiased stand point (bloody hell, come to think of it, voting is a biased thing, what was I trying to achieve then?)

After the shower etc. and dressing to ensure that I look like a responsible malaysian citizen ie. tank top, cargo pants and selipar jepun with a bag slung across from the left shoulder to the right hip, we got into the car and arrived 5 minutes later near the school compound. Lo in his usual malaysian driving and parking style (lebih-lebih lagi since the 4 wheel drive) squeezed into a parking spot so small that he (yang kurus kering) need to get out at the passenger side... It (The voting)should be over in a matter of minutes, no point being too picky. By the way, there were many traffic cones allocated in the parking spots (at least 20 of them) so traffic jam jugalah that road because everyone is waiting for someone to get out of their parking space and when they do, they can't get out into the road... which is so silly...

Moving on, we walked into the main gate there was a long-long table with loads of people and computers and little pieces of paper (about the size of a square post it) with big numbers on them from stacks with 1 to 16 or so printed on them. I gave my I/C number, they did the check on the computer and gave me a piece of those paper with 15 printed on them and told me to go to a classroom marked 15. They were quite helpful, pointing the way and so on...

Both Lo and I were at the same classroom so I went in first, there were only 2 voting booths (tables with the aluminium thing covering it, looking like we should be cooking maggi mee there rather than voting) at the end of the classroom and in the middle of the room there is 1 transparent box half full of ballots. At the other 3 sides of the classroom, long tables were set all along the walls again as 6 to 8 people are working mostly checking and cancelling your name as one of them calls out your name after getting your I/C and you move on nearer to the voting booths and another person will tear out a ballot and hand it to you and gesture that you should be going over to the voting booth after receiving your ballot. I din immediately go to the voting booth, I stared at the little ballot and saw that it is very plain without instructions written on it and since my mind was trained on looking for words, I saw that the names of the candidates were written there and at that very moment, I panicked because both names sounded alien to me....I don't remember who is who and don't think the person I wanted to vote for was here.......

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