Monday, February 25, 2008

Gunung Angsi - A picture story

View from the peak of Gunung Angsi

Gunung Angsi was the second activity in the training schedule for EBC Nepal this October.

The climb took me about approximately 4 hours... I just couldn't get warmed up enough to just breeze along the trail going uphill as there was a cool wind blowing all the while and it got quite misty as well at 9 in the morning.I reached the peak at 11 a.m. where the whole group of people were already relaxing and enjoying themselves and eating an early lunch. After lepakking at the peak; eating and having a ciggie later, it was time to get down. Took another 1 hour to go down the same way we came up from. To go through the Hutan Lipur way would mean that we will have to pay the park entrance fee..... After that it was bathing by the roadside in a sarong and going off to Seremban for lunch. It was a good training :)

Misty mountain look at 9 in the morning

Some plant looking like corals except it is green

Leaves of some of the trees turning red...macam autumn pulak

A twisted vine hanging down from a tall tall tree

One of the more picturesque part of the jungle path

Leaves that look like butterflies or bow ties

Interesting plant looks like a chinese fan

The dog that beat everyone to the peak....

Mamak stall in the middle of the jungle? This place was actually built by some very frequent hikers as a rest area

Loggers trail just behind the DIY rest area

This is the starting and ending point of the climb...somewhere along the Highway....

1 comment:

Rambler said...

I like the pic of the plant that looks like a fan... mcm pro plak


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