Following the Jakarta trip, the next thing I did was go to Pulau Jarak sometime near Christmas 2009 on a trip organized by Ah Chong from Sabre Tackle.
This was my second time going to Jarak and on the same fishing boat - the GT Chaser the most coverted sport fishing vessel in the Jarak waters. Book at least a year ahead or you will be severely disappointed. Why do fishing kakis like this boat so much? I donno, but these are the reasons I like it:
1) Its got a wonderful toilet and bathroom - real flushing and running tap water
2) The sleeping cabin is super clean - in fact the whole boat is super clean
3) There are 3 meals served on board (which is so yummy as the Pakcik really is serious about cooking) Plus a tea time which he usually serve some sweet soupy dessert
4) The boat is also very fishing friendly you can pop at both the front and back of the boat and jig all around the whole boat
5) The captain is also a very professional person.
The trip was good, I din catch anything except for a 2kg Tenggiri (Spanish Mackerel) but I din get to take a pic immediately coz the captain was worried of the blood dirtying his boat. Other people caught bigger Tenggiris and also GTs. The catch rate was not as good as most people would expect but we had a good time. There was however, an unusual number of lines breaking and jigs lost compared to the 1st time that I was there. But then that is the fun in fishing every trip to the same place is always different.
I had a blast at night netting the flying fishes for the guys to use as baits. But I made it a rule not to fish after showering at night coz I really draw the line at smelling like fresh fish when I go to bed.

A tenggiri and Ang Choh

Little Ang Choh and Stingray

A Talang and Rainbow Runner
A Little GT
Group Photo